ConvenerÕs Responsibilities * Identify a scribe (you may do it yourself or ask for a volunteer). * Record the name of the session and the convenerÕs name. * Convener starts discussion by explaining BRIEFLY reason for proposing the topic and then invites each person to share why s/he decided to come. * List participants. * Capture major points of discussion (see the notes at the bottom of the page). * Type up notes, print them and post on NEWS WALL, AND either post them at or email them to Naresh at to post. Tips for effective facilitation: 1) Ask questions, 2) make sure everyone who wishes to talk has the opportunity to do so (donÕt be afraid of silence). Most common critique of open space meetings: ÒCONVENERS TALKED TOO MUCH.Ó Topic:Ê ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Convener:Ê ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Participants: Ê Major points: Ê Ê Ê Ê Some thoughts about your notes: * Capture what participants said in way that can be understood by someone who wasnÕt there. * Use whatever media works best for you: flip chart, pen and paper, laptops, and/or visual images. * If you take photos, post them to the wiki or email to Naresh at Use reverse or additional sheets or flipchart paper as necessary Pushing the Boundaries while Keeping Agile Simple ÒWhat's New? What's Missing? What's too Complex? What's Obsolete?Ó