Location : AgileCoachCamp Wiki > AcceptanceTestDrivenDevelopment AcceptanceTestDrivenDevelopment


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Start with requirment story (aka user story)

As a user, I want to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

Examples (Tests) for Fahrenheit to Celsius (Note: Customer preferred term to

Fahrenheit Celsius Stories
32 0
212 100
33 .55 Customer wants round down 2 digits
-459 -273 Tester came up with these
-460 Error

These tests can be used to break down into smaller stories, if necessary:

Fahrenheit Celsius Stories
32 0 Story One (conversion)
212 100 Story One
33 .55 Story One
-459 -273 Story Two (limits)
-460 Error Story Two (limits)


Tests and requirements

Tests and requirements

You can't have one without the other

Tests and requirements go together

A failing test is a requirement

A passing test is a specification of how a system works

This is one form of unit tests (calculations / business rules

Larger ATTD tests follow the pattern:

If (setup)

When (action or event occurs)

Then (expected result)

Brian Maricks Testing Quadrant show the types

ATTD Usability
TDD Performance / Secruity

ATTD Tests can be run at multiple level

ATDD Test Where Connected Tool (many available)
GUI Cucumber
Midtier Fit
(non-integrated) Midtier / Mock Database Fit

If ATTD tests go to mid tier, drives business logic out of GUI

However same tests may be run through GUI as a complete end-to-end integration

ATTD tests go to real database. However, for less integrated tests, they could
go to mock database


Acceptance Test  understood by the business user, may be provided by

Unit Test - understood by technology

ATTD tests flow into TDD/Unit tests. They are one source for TDD tests

Discount computation detail see -


Link to book draft site :


Chapters are being uploaded.

Talks available for users groups.


Created by kpughconsult. Last Modification: Monday, 22 of March, 2010 18:23:06 CET by kpughconsult.