Location : AgileCoachCamp Wiki > MarkusSilpala MarkusSilpala



I am an independent consultant who plays the role of coach, developer, or a combination of the two on teams in the Minneapolis/Saint Paul area. I still haven't decided which role I enjoy more.

In my hometown area I am very active in local user groups and in helping push the software scene forward. I attended AgileCoachCamp2008 in Ann Arbor, MI, and regularly attend the Agile200X conferences wherever they may be.

Other places to monitor my goings-on:

Twitter - http://twitter.com/msilpala (a mix of professional and personal postings)
LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/pub/markus-silpala/0/8b5/11 (strictly business, but far less active)

Someday I may also write a blog. Wouldn't that be special?

Created by msilpala. Last Modification: Friday, 19 of March, 2010 04:38:22 CET by msilpala.