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2010-04-27 meeting notes

Marc L.
  • conference folders arrived, including paper and pens
  • shirts arrived
  • the two facilitator's toolboxes arrived. They are rather minimal, but as they were extra anyway, it shouldn't be a problem.

  • it-agile flyers arrived
  • stuff for Agile Jeopardy arrived

  • Stickers arrived

Martin also brings
  • projector
  • loudspeakers for ipod or similar. Nichole brings a second set.
  • Twister game

According to information Ilja got from Deb, the people coming from Agfa will bring
  • a projector
  • a Wii game console, including two guitar controllers (Ilja will bring USB microphone)

  • according to the venue's website, the conference rooms should have Wifi

  • remember to bring books for the book table

news about attendees from Christiane
  • all free places have been filled via Twitter, so we currently have 50 attendees
  • there are no people left on the waiting list

Dinner on Friday
  • there was some confusion about Dinner on Friday - it was meant to be extra to the snacks provided, paid extra by attendees. But this wasn't well communicated on either the website, registration form or welcome email
  • Christiane will try to organize it so that there will be no dinner at all, but more finger food, so that the group won't split up, and noone has to suffer hunger. Needs to be clarified with venue till tomorrow, she will try this evening.

Welcome on Friday
  • will take place at 8PM just before lightning talks
  • Martin doesn't have time to prepare it alone
  • did Deb volunteer to help in earlier meetings?
  • Sebastian would volunteer if Deb doesn't

2010-04-14 meeting notes

MarcB (he listened, but we did not hear him)

1. Payment
  • Christiane will send a reminder to the 6 participants who did not yet pay to pay. On Monday, the places for which there is no payment will be released to the people on the waiting list
  • If there are remaining places that cannot be filled through the waiting list, we'll tweet about the remaining places.

2. Welcome email to the participants: what should be in there?
  • Ask the people if they want to be added to the Camp's twitter list. They should tweet their twitter name to the @accde10 account
  • Link for the discount on Mike Cohn's book
  • Ask the people to bring to the camp some books they feel valuable
  • Pierluigi to organise (with MarcL) a welcome email

3. Report from MarcL
  • Conference maps are arrived
  • T-Shirts will be delivered the week before the conference at Marc's place
  • Pierluigi to check with Marc whether Memo has sent the moderator suitcases

4. Venue
  • If there is something more needed from the venue, please send an email to Pierluigi ASAP

5. Collecting inserts from the sponsors
  • MarcL please check when and how Memo will send their advertisement material
  • Deb will take care about the other inserts
  • Pierluigi to check with MarcL whether there is paper in the conference maps, in case organise something

6. Conference maps
Things to be included in the conference map
  • Room plan
  • Conference schedule
  • List of things to do in the nearby

7. Conference agenda
  • Friday
18:00-20:00 Arrival, socialising, buffet
20:00 Welcome, Lightning talks
~21:00 done
  • Pierluigi to put together an agenda including the plan for Saturday and Sunday and distribute it internally

8 Camp Retrospective
  • The agenda includes a retrospective with all participants on Sunday.
  • We should decide a date for a retrospective of the camp organizers some time after the event: if possible we should meet a few hours before the camp starts and decide a date for it

2010-04-06 meeting notes
  • Ilja
  • Deb
  • Sebastian
  • Pierluigi
  • Martin
  • anybody else?

  • We will accept the slightly higher costs for blue Polo-Shirts and ask Memo to split the bill (Marc); we spend less money on stickers then.

  • should be used as "i was there" sticker
  • size should be suitable for paper notebooks or laptops, in any case smaller than 10x10cm
  • we might have more than one version/size, Deb/Pierluigi can decide on the details
  • in total somewhere around 120/180 stickers (~2-3 per person)
  • we will put one sticker upon each conference map, the rest inside.

Agile Jeopardy:
  • Martin will ask it-agile to have it shipped to either the venue or him
  • can be returned at the JAX next monday

Next meeting: wed, 2010-04-14, 19.00

2010-03-26 meeting notes

  • Ilja
  • Deb
  • MarcL
  • Sebastian
  • Christiane
  • Pierluigi

  • Marc will provide the sizes latest on Monday as Memo needs time to make them (Easter holidays). Only two participants' sizes are still missing.

Agile Jeopardy
  • We'll play it in German unless Martin and Sebastian will have time to translate it.

  • Nokia: Deb will contact them and tell them we don't need additional sponsors (checking with Martin in advance as he might have already had contacts with them)

Hotel booking
  • 18 people paid the hotel already

Participant's package
  • Will be assembled at Rückersbach on Friday 30.4 by the people who will arrive early (the sponsors' information need to be put in each package)

Action items
  • Pierluigi - Organise with Rückersbach that there is a flip chart available also on Friday evening
  • Christiane - Send a payment reminder to the participants who as per mid of next week have not paid the hotel

Next Call
  • April 6th at 19:00

2010-03-10 meeting notes

  • Marc will take care of questionable double room bookings
  • once we resolved inconsistencies with double room registrations, we will make the waiting list public
  • Krishan's wife will get the cancelled placed
  • if there are more misunderstandings that bring us over 50 attendees, we will accept that. People on the waiting list will fill up cancellations once we are back to 50 attendees.

  • Deb tries to find a sponsor for shirts, and someone who organizes it until next week
  • We take the two moderation suitecases from Memo
  • We want to have ACC stickers; should be cheap and doable at a few days notice
  • Deb will send out a list with possible stuff to give out
  • Hochseilgarten takes too long, we won't do it

Invoicing of Sponsors
  • Martin will contact the sponsors regarding getting invoiced by the hotel directly and update the spreadsheet, including address for invoice

Evening Activities
  • we have the rooms for the whole evenings
  • Agile Jeopardy - Sebastian and Martin will look into it; for Saturday evening
  • Venue has TV+DVD
  • Wii
  • TED

Lightning talks
  • will be done on Friday
  • need two volunteers

Friday preparation work
  • Pierluigi will create a shared document for organizers about stuff to bring, arrival times etc.

next conference call Thursday, March 18th, 19:30

2009-01-18 meeting notes
  • decided for Rückersbach
  • apparently there is no cancellation fee until 6 weeks before the event, which would leave us enough time to find a sponsor who signs up for the conference rooms

Next steps
  • find sponsors (Deb takes the lead)
  • start seed communication; build communication plan (Ilja+Pierluigi)
  • get topic/title suggestions going (Sebastian+Ilja started this in dec.)
  • investigate Wiki/Website feasability (Sebastian)
  • logistics group postponed, we can deal with this later

Next phone call: as required, latest in KW5

2009-12-10 etherpad notes

  • room and conference in one place
  • only group, no other people
  • not office-like, more cosy (lightful, good, relaxed, creative atmosphere)
  • whats the prize range?
  • some internet would be cool (at least cell phone)
  • accomodate ~50 ppl
  • easy to reach? (also from UK,FR; by plane/train)
  • outside space
  • one or several rooms for conference - on one level would be very nice
  • food supply (organic/vegetarian/COFFEE!/...)

venue committee:
  • Martin: Munich/Nurenberg area/Chiemsee area
  • Pierluigi: Munich area/Chiemsee area
  • Mentos: Karlsruhe, ...
  • ask Heiko

Who runs Open Space?
  • hired facilitator?
  • share responsibility?
  • Martin's wife Christine?


  • will do that later

Twitter hashtag: #accde10

Next Meeting:
Thu Dec 17, 19:00. Deb will send details.

Created by uplatzer. Last Modification: Tuesday, 27 of April, 2010 21:04:44 CEST by ipreuss.