Location : AgileCoachCamp Wiki > ChrisSims ChrisSims



Chris Sims is a teacher, coach, facilitator, consultant, coder, agile evangelist, and all-around geek. He is the founder of the Technical Management Institute, facilitator of the Bay Area Engineering Managers Support Group, chair of the IEEE Engineering Management Society of Silicon Valley, and is on the board of BayAPLN, the Bay Area chapter of the Agile Project Leadership Network.

In the past, Chris has made a living in roles such as: Engineering Manager, Project Manager, C++ Developer, Band Leader, Bass Player, and Auto Mechanic. Now, he enjoys teaching engineers how to lead people, projects, and teams.

For the really curious, or bored, a longer bio can be found here.
Created by ChrisSims. Last Modification: Wednesday, 30 of January, 2008 07:04:18 CET by ChrisSims.