Location : AgileCoachCamp Wiki > CodingDojo CodingDojo



If you are unfamiliar with the style of a coding dojo, the format works like this:

Select a business scenario - The group proposes & selects a business scenario (examples - tetris, elevator logic, natural sort)
User Story - As a group, we create the first user story together
Break into smaller groups - We break into small groups of around 10 to solve the scenario.
Randori Coding - 2 people at a time Pair Program in 4 minute sprints. By the end of the hour, everyone will have written code.
Retrospective - Facilitators lead a retrospective to help explore and digest what has just been experienced.

Our Dojo
the story chosen - a web based spelling test
the user story -
page 1 - ask to spell apple (picture) ___ user enters apple
page 2 ask to spell chair (picture)___ user enters chaire
page 3 apple - apple - correct
chair - chaire - incorrect
We did this implementation in Java, using JRack, ApprovalTests, Junit & eclipse
We were able to complete the user store in the 75 minute session.
the code is here (coming soon).

Some pictures

Created by llewellyn.falco. Last Modification: Wednesday, 24 of March, 2010 17:21:28 CET by llewellyn.falco.