Location : AgileCoachCamp Wiki > MishkinBerteig MishkinBerteig


I'm just a guy doing agile stuff. Here's some web sites:

Agile Advice - blog about agile, teams, management, and learning organizations
Agile Support - Agile Community and Resources
Berteig Consulting Inc. - Agile Coaching, Training and Consulting
OpenAgile - open source agile methods built by the community

I'm on FaceBook and LinkedIn. I prefer all new connections be on FaceBook. You can look me up as Mishkin Berteig... I'm pretty sure I'm the only human being with that name biggrin.

"Truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues" - Baha'u'llah.

Created by mberteig. Last Modification: Sunday, 02 of December, 2007 19:35:55 CET by mberteig.