I'm an IT Manager in the US Environmental Protection Agency/Office of pesticide Programs; I recently took over a team that has been struggling to maintain any form of forward momentum. I am introducing various Agile techniques to improve their ability to deliver value ot the organization.Prior to this, I have worked at the US Department of Agriculture and for a variety of Federal Government consulting firms (SAIC, SPC, James Martin, now Headstrong, ...) as well as Gauss Interprise (a German content management company that was bought by Opentext) and Viador (a BI portal vendor). I've been methodology focused since 1997 with a focus on those methodologies that could support web development - mostly RUP-based, but some with XP and SCRUM influences. Until this job at USDA, the last 5 years prior had focused on Python/Zope/Plone application development; the team at USDA was .Net focused. My current team is Java-centric with some *gasp* PowerBuilder. I am a former Naval Flight Officer and an Aeronautical Engineering Duty Officer in the Reserves.
This will be my second Agile Coach Camp event and I really look forward to catching up with those I met before and meeting some new folks in teh commmunity. Her is a link to the position paper from last year ( pmboos_paper ). hopefully it won't bore you. We had a great discussion about it, so check out last year's wiki. I'll probably have a bit more focused paper this year on specific areas where the Feds need help to deliver value...
You can find me on Twitter at paul_boos; I am on Linked In as well as a member of the Agile Coach group.
This will be my second Agile Coach Camp event and I really look forward to catching up with those I met before and meeting some new folks in teh commmunity. Her is a link to the position paper from last year ( pmboos_paper ). hopefully it won't bore you. We had a great discussion about it, so check out last year's wiki. I'll probably have a bit more focused paper this year on specific areas where the Feds need help to deliver value...
You can find me on Twitter at paul_boos; I am on Linked In as well as a member of the Agile Coach group.