Location : AgileCoachCamp Wiki > WhereHasOSBeenUsed WhereHasOSBeenUsed


The OpenSpace method has been used to run meetings and conferences in government, businesses and non-profits for over twenty years.

This list comes to us courtesy of Lisa Heft, an international OpenSpace facilitator and trainer on the US west coast, Of course, many of these were private events, so organization names are not shown.

International group of doctors, nurses, educators, activists
Task: sharing resources and experiences, networking, sharing best
practices, challenges, community

National immigrant and refugee farmer conference
Task: networking, knowledge- and resource-sharing, supporting emergent
leaders, interdisciplinary/intercultural understanding and knowledge exchange

Geeks everywhere
Have created hundreds of BarCamp events all over the world since 2005. Some use the full OpenSpace pattern, while other use only the self-organizing agenda and LawOfTwoFeet

Faith community
Task: strategic planning

Information Technology department, corporate
Task: strategic planning

Artists, arts administrators, performers, writers, economists
Task: responding to shifting landscape of people experiencing the arts and
supporting arts organizations

Prisons and jails conference
Task: sharing resources and experiences, networking, sharing best
practices, challenges, solutions

International conflict resolution specialists
Task: sharing resources and experiences, networking, sharing best
practices, challenges, community

International youth
Task: discussing issues and opportunities for youth and youth leadership

International AIDS organization
Task: sharing resources and experiences, networking, sharing best
practices, challenges, community

Environmental educators, advocates, activists
Task: sharing resources, networking, forming new global organization

International health organization
Task: exploring cultural taboos and challenges for HIV/AIDS education

Community leaders in war zones
Task: sharing resources, networking, forming new peace-builders network

Geoscientists, data analysts and designers, technology specialists, academics
Task: sharing resources and experiences, networking, sharing best practices

International business leaders
Task: sharing resources and experiences, networking, sharing best practices

Professional membership organization
Task: networking, needs assessment for organization membership, emergent
leadership, visioning future needs

Youth and adults
Task: identifying programs, challenges, solutions, tools, networks, policy
for serving youth aged 0 to 5

National tobacco control conference
Task: sharing knowledge and best practices, identifying challenges and

Survivors of violence and abuse
Task: networking, resource sharing, framing experience, community

Luxury golf resort and winery
Task: post-merger community building and visioning

Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender youth activists
Task: networking, knowledge- and resource-sharing, supporting and
experiencing leadership

Youth and adults
Task: discussing race and identity

And many hundreds of other events and groups have used OpenSpace to get to what really matters, fast.
Created by debhart. Last Modification: Wednesday, 19 of December, 2007 13:03:19 CET by debhart.