Location : AgileCoachCamp Wiki > AgileCoachCamp2008 AgileCoachCamp2008



Pushing the Boundaries while Keeping Agile Simple 

What's New? What's Missing? What's too Complex? What's Obsolete?

was held in Ann Arbor, May 30 - June 1, 2008

Photos from Friday2008, Saturday2008

What did we talk about? Sessions2008, Retrospective2008


What was it about? Please read our 2008 InvitationLetter !

Who was there? Read the PositionPapers2008 - a very interesting crowd.

For reference:

Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor, Michigan, at Garrett's Restaurant
MAP Agenda2008

Check our discounted AccomodationsIn2008


Sponsor the event: SponsorshipList

Promote it!

View our list of generous 2008Sponsors

Created by admin. Last Modification: Saturday, 19 of June, 2010 17:12:27 CEST by Naresh.