A Position Paper is a plain text response to the following questions:

A Position Paper is your Price-of-Admission:
We are looking for passionate and responsible individuals - XP Coaches, Scrum Masters, Trainers, Change Agents and Mentors. If you are actively engaged in helping a team or organization adopt Lean or Agile software development, or in helping an established team sustain their continuous improvement, please mark the date! The event is free, well almost - the cost of admission is merely this: your position paper.
Read last year's Position Papers.
Still want to know more?
Your position paper must include at least one Potential Topic you might be interested in hosting as a session. You don't have to be an expert in the topic, in fact you might not even have a clue about this topic, but you are interested in posing it as a question, exploring it. Questions make great session topics. Please note that these are potential topics, not final. If you want to start your conversation early, we have a Forum for potential topics, but the final list will be "whatever happens" on the Saturday of the conference, when we collaborate to create an agenda.
The conference will be free. Your Position Paper (and, following that, your time, energy and passion) is the real investment you are making.
Note: Position Papers will be public (but anonymous) after they are reviewed. This might help others decide whether this event interests them, or what they want to talk about.
Rationale for requesting position papers
What we've seen at various leading conferences like OOPSLA, AWTA (Austin Workshop on Test Automation), AAFTTVW (Agile Alliance Functional Testing Tool Visioning Workshop), SDTConf (Simple Design and Testing Conference), etc is that having people write a position paper before coming to a conference leads to better discussion because people have thought about what they want from the conference. You don't spend half the time figuring out what you want to figure out.
Position papers are rarely rejected. If we are not happy with the position paper, we might ask the participant specific questions to help them come up with a better position paper.
Recently at the Simple Design and Testing Conference, we introduced similar position papers. The feedback from the participants was that it was a great idea and it really helped them come more prepared to the conference. Out of 82 position papers, we sadly had to reject 8 position papers (after giving them enough feedback and time). Basically they worked very well for us and we would like to continue using the same technique till we discover a better one.
You can look at position papers that were submitted for the Simple Design and Testing Conference here.
A PositionPaper makes an excellent springboard for a Lightning Talk, though you may choose to talk about something entirely different, too. See LightningTalks for a list of ways to approach and see Research Papers for help in obtaining the best topic and content for your position paper.
Attendance is limited to 100, so send us your PositionPapers to hold your place at AgileCoachCamp. Our volunteer reviewers will get back to you about it within 2 weeks.
- What's your experience coaching teams toward being Agile?
- What do you plan to learn /explore at this conference?
- How do you plan to contribute?

A Position Paper is your Price-of-Admission:
We are looking for passionate and responsible individuals - XP Coaches, Scrum Masters, Trainers, Change Agents and Mentors. If you are actively engaged in helping a team or organization adopt Lean or Agile software development, or in helping an established team sustain their continuous improvement, please mark the date! The event is free, well almost - the cost of admission is merely this: your position paper.
Read last year's Position Papers.
Still want to know more?
Your position paper must include at least one Potential Topic you might be interested in hosting as a session. You don't have to be an expert in the topic, in fact you might not even have a clue about this topic, but you are interested in posing it as a question, exploring it. Questions make great session topics. Please note that these are potential topics, not final. If you want to start your conversation early, we have a Forum for potential topics, but the final list will be "whatever happens" on the Saturday of the conference, when we collaborate to create an agenda.
The conference will be free. Your Position Paper (and, following that, your time, energy and passion) is the real investment you are making.
Note: Position Papers will be public (but anonymous) after they are reviewed. This might help others decide whether this event interests them, or what they want to talk about.
Rationale for requesting position papers
What we've seen at various leading conferences like OOPSLA, AWTA (Austin Workshop on Test Automation), AAFTTVW (Agile Alliance Functional Testing Tool Visioning Workshop), SDTConf (Simple Design and Testing Conference), etc is that having people write a position paper before coming to a conference leads to better discussion because people have thought about what they want from the conference. You don't spend half the time figuring out what you want to figure out.
Position papers are rarely rejected. If we are not happy with the position paper, we might ask the participant specific questions to help them come up with a better position paper.
Recently at the Simple Design and Testing Conference, we introduced similar position papers. The feedback from the participants was that it was a great idea and it really helped them come more prepared to the conference. Out of 82 position papers, we sadly had to reject 8 position papers (after giving them enough feedback and time). Basically they worked very well for us and we would like to continue using the same technique till we discover a better one.
You can look at position papers that were submitted for the Simple Design and Testing Conference here.
A PositionPaper makes an excellent springboard for a Lightning Talk, though you may choose to talk about something entirely different, too. See LightningTalks for a list of ways to approach and see Research Papers for help in obtaining the best topic and content for your position paper.
The 2008 Ann Arbor Position Papers!!
(these will be posted anonymously, if you want to show your name visit the page, log in and rename it)- BrianMarickPositionPaper
- coaching teams as an independent consultant since 1991
- Fail_Fast_WHY
- transformation of a hard-core waterfall company
- PositionPaper2
- experiences rich and replete with success and failure
- NayanHajratwalaPositionPaper
- independent consultant assisting a major financial company
- PositionPaper4
- professional trainer for large and medium-sized IT companies in India
- PositionPaper5
- teaching and coaching developers for little more than a decade
- PositionPaper6
- from a company just beginning their Agile journey
- Essay Paper
- essays for your academic paper needs
- StuPerronPositionPaper
- CSM, PMP and part of the company’s Project Office
- BillWakePositionPaper
- coach and manager, creator of XP123.com
- coach and trainer, lead editor of InfoQ.com/Agile
- RonJeffriesPositionPaper
- on-site coach of the first Extreme Programming project
- ChetHendricksonPositionPaper
- training and coaching teams in XP since the turn of the century
- GeorgeDinwiddie_ProcessEngineeringBalance
- having coached from two vantage points—as an insider, and as an outsider
- PositionPaper9
- belongs to a group of coaches / apprentice coaches that support the organization
- PositionPaper10
- transforming organisations and teams
- MarkWaitePositionPaper
- asked to lead the effort to bring agile into their organization
- DonGrayPositionPaper
- working with companies moving to another way to developing products
- PositionPaper12
- Business and Quality Assurance Supervisor
- ChrisSims_WhyDoAgileTeamsSucceedOrFail
- What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
- PositionPaper13
- Project/Development Manager with a strong faith in XP
- HenrikKnibergPositionPaper
- Outside Agile Coach - CTO at 3 Swedish IT companies over the last 10 years
- Lissette Wells Position Paper
- oversees programmers and project managers in a tech group
- PositionPaper15
- Performance Testing Coach, coaching/mentoring the projects teams in agile
- Good Enough Agile and Post agile
- Coaching IT Managers, Product Owners, Testers and Developers
- PositionPaper17
- Transforming one of the divisions of a media company
- RogerBrownPositionPaper
- Member of the Scrum Alliance group to develop a Certified Scrum Coach program
- HeleneGidley Position Paper
- Mentoring teams on Agile practices since 2003
- PositionPaper20
- Coaching Projects to Coaching Managers
- Linda M Cook Position Paper
- Teaching Scrum, XP, applying Lean
- PositionPaper31
- developed a set of tools based on the OASIS SOA Blueprint methodology that allow the business to specify its natural joints in such a way that technical architecture can flex
- PositionPaper33
- Interested in teaching how to create evolvable designs
- PositionPaper34
- Introducing Agile in an large organization which has shown an extreme resistance to change
- Lisamarie Babik - Position Paper
- (Agile) Evangelist in Residence
- GlennBernsohnPositionPaper
- Opt-in/Opt-out: The Country Club metaphor
- PositionPaper36
- a coach providing hands on introduction to the code base and the agile process
- TracyBeesonPositionPaper
- planning to bring new ideas and challenge the ideas of others
- PositionPaper38
- coming from a combined BA/Usability background
- RobParkPositionPaper
- began working with Agile processes around 1998
- PositionPaper40
- researched various agile practices and eventually decided on Scrum
- SusanDavisPositionPaper
- development manager transforming her development organization to get xP@Scrum right
- KateTehPositionPaper
- Senior developer turned Agile Product Owner
- Atri Basu - Position Paper
- Software Development Intern
- PositionPaper41
- Change management importance in Scrum implementation
- Using Scrum in Detroit
- Java Developer turned Scrum Master
- WilliamPietriPositionPaper
- Doing and coaching Agile methods since 2000, mainly in internet startups
- DeclanWhelanPositionPaper
- It's all about the team.
- Coach who can play
- pmboos_paper
- Coming ABoard - 3 months of Making My Team More Agile
- JeffGriggPositionPaper
- Agile/XP Coach
- AlexeyKrivitskyPositionPaper
- Upcoming Agile Coach from Ukraine
- MikeCottmeyerPositionPaper
- PMP certified Professional ;)
- GamonHowardPositionPaper
- Change Agent, Project Manager, and Methodology Consultant
- MarkScrimshirePositionPaper
- Web 2.0 and Agile Enthusiast
- Jeff_McWherter_PositionPaper
- Evangelizing the Agile religion
- SowmyaSrinivasanPositionPaper
- J2EE Developer Practicing Scrum
- DanielDavisPositionPaper
- Our "devils advocate" during the camp
- CarltonNettletonPositionPaper
- Corporate change agent
- MikeSuttonPositionPaper
- Software developer, agile guide/coach/mentor, human improvement agent.
- YongHowPositionPaper
- hooked on Agile practices
- JeremyAndersonPositionPaper
- How do you infect Agile into a traditionally Waterfall team?
- NilanjanRaychaudhuriPositionPaper
- recently involved in a 200 member Scrum team
- MatVanVleetPositionPaper
- like to understand Agile Blending Techniques
- PatrickWilsonWelshPositionPaper
- Getting Pragmatic about Agility for Pragmatists
- KevinSmithPositionPaper
- Better, faster, balanced?? still looking
- KenRitchiePositionPaper
- Helping others build great systems and businesses
- JeffPattonPositionNote
- Coaching is a critical role in Agile adoption
- LJJohnsonPositionPaper
- eager to learn techniques to assist in this mental shift necessary to move towards Agile
- DugSongPositionPaper
- In the process of doing it now, in his third startup
- AbdulHabraPositionPaper
- What is “post†agile? Where do we go next?
- AmandaLauncherPositionPaper
- learned through reading and speaking with other people who had been through the process
- IsabelleTherrienPositionPaper
- interested in finding new exercises to help product owners identify and express their needs in the project start-up phase
- BJAllmonPositionPaper
- working with a company that is constantly striving to implementing practice
- CatherineVillairePositionPaper
- wants to be the go to girl when questions arise
- EllenGrovePositionPaper
- Interested in coaching people to not fear failure
Attendance is limited to 100, so send us your PositionPapers to hold your place at AgileCoachCamp. Our volunteer reviewers will get back to you about it within 2 weeks.